Mother Mother

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Mother Mother is a Canadian indie rock band that was formed in 2005. The band is made up of Ryan Guldemond (lead vocals, guitar), Molly Guldemond (vocals, keyboards), Jasmin Parkin (vocals, keyboards), Ali Siadat (drums), and Mike Young (bass). They are known for their energetic live performances and catchy, upbeat songs.

Mother Mother's music is a mix of indie rock, pop, and folk, and their lyrics often deal with themes of love, relationships, and social issues. They have released eight studio albums to date, with their most recent, "Dance and Cry," coming out in 2019. Some of their most popular songs include "Body of Years," "The Stand," and "Get Out the Way."

Mother Mother has a dedicated fan base and their concerts are always highly anticipated events. Tickets to their shows are known to sell out quickly, and fans can expect to see an energetic and engaging performance when they see the band live. In addition to their regular tours, Mother Mother has also played at various music festivals, including Coachella and Bonnaroo.

Despite being active for over a decade, Mother Mother shows no signs of slowing down. They continue to write and perform new music and tour regularly, and their fans are always excited to see them on stage. Whether you're a long-time fan or new to their music, Mother Mother's concerts are not to be missed, and tickets are always in high demand.

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